
I quartieri generali dell’UNESCO, a Parigi, sono frutto dalla collaborazione tra Marcel Breuer, Bernard Zehrfusse e Pier Luigi Nervi. Il complesso è composto da 3 differenti volumi: Il Segretariato, edificio principale di sette piani;L’edificio delle Conferenze, collegato al Segretariato dalla “Solle des Pas Perdus”; l’edificio delle Delegazioni, struttura di quattro piani.
L’edificio delle Conferenze, a pianta trapezoidale, si ancora al suolo grazie ad un elemento corrugato che funge da copertura e poi si piega per diventare appoggio e parete perimetrale.

Read project record

Marcel Breuer (1902-1981), Bernard Zehrfuss (1911-1996)

Name of the building:
UNESCO headquarters, Conference building

Place de Fontenoy, Paris (FR)

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

Soc. Fourré & Rhodes (absorbed by Groupe Eiffiage SA.);
Soc. Dumez (absorbed by Vinci Construction)

Pier Luigi Nervi (1891-1979)

Other actors:
Luther H. Evans (UNESCO Director-General);
Eugene H. Callison (chief engineer of the technical office);
Lucio Costa (member of “Comité des Cinq”);
Walter Gropius (member of “Comité des Cinq”);
Le Corbusier (member of “Comité des Cinq”);
Sven Markelius (member of “Comité des Cinq”);
Ernesto N. Rogers (member of “Comité des Cinq”)

Building permit:

Start of construction works:

Project variations:
1952 first project in Bois de Boulogne

End of construction works:

Construction system:
Large concrete roof, undulated with variable undulations depending on the variation
of the moments. This particular structure is rigid and statically completed by a slab of
variable thickness that starting from the lower edge of the waves rises to the top to
give the necessary resistance to the positive moment.